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What is a foot reflexology massage?


Depending on where the sole of the foot is massaged, this has an effect on a different part of the body. The picture shows the different reflex zones on the sole of the foot.


Thanks to the relaxing foot reflex zone massage, self-healing powers can be activated and discomfort alleviated.


A foot reflex zone massage can be used to alleviate ailments such as tension, cramps, sleep disorders, circulatory disorders, headaches, digestive problems and much more. It can preventively protect health and generally have a positive effect on wellbeing.

Was ist FRZM

The different foot reflex zones


The foot reflex zone massage is based on a holistic body in which all parts of the body are connected to one another. The human body is reflected in his foot. Through targeted pressure massages on the different parts of the foot, physical and mental tensions can be released.



History of the foot reflexology massage


The foot reflex zone massage goes back to the US doctor William Fitzgerald, who lived from 1872 to 1942 and combined conventional medicine with Indian folk medicine, especially pressure treatment.


Fitzgerald developed the so-called zone therapy, which is still considered the basis of foot reflexology today. This then new type of therapy came from America via England in the 1960s to Germany and Switzerland.


The foot reflex zone massage is now an integral part of therapies by alternative practitioners, physiotherapists and masseurs. When used, pressure-sensitive zones are stimulated.


Even if there is still no scientific proof of a therapeutic effect, foot reflexology massages are used with great success. They increase people's well-being, can alleviate symptoms and generally help to relax and regenerate.

How does the foot reflexology massage work?


I am specially trained to massage your reflexology zones. Your feet have to carry the weight of your whole body on a small area every day. It is therefore obvious that you should take special care of your feet, especially since pain and discomfort often radiate to your feet.



What do you have to pay attention to during a foot reflexology massage?


With the foot reflex zone massage, pressure on the foot promotes blood circulation and thus relaxation. As a rule, the massage is painless. Experience shows that you shouldn't have eaten too much immediately before a foot reflexology massage, as digestion can impair the effectiveness of the massage. A regular foot reflex zone massage is also recommended, not only to temporarily do something good for your body, but also to sustainably and preventively promote health and, in particular, to provide relief from chronic complaints.


There are two different types of foot reflexology massage: One is focused on a calming effect, the other on a stimulating effect. We will clarify which one is suitable for you in a personal consultation at the beginning of the massage.


For those who do not feel well, but also in general with acute inflammation, fever, psychoses and high-risk pregnancies, it is advisable not to have a massage.



The foot reflex zone massage promotes wellbeing


Thanks to the foot reflex zone massage, the feeling of well-being in the whole body can be improved and blockages in the whole body can be released. During the massage, the tissue is loosened so that the energy can flow properly again. This can therefore also have a desired effect in the case of mental upsets or general stress. Sleep disorders can be alleviated especially if the foot reflex zone massage is carried out in the second half of the day.


As a so-called "retuning therapy", the foot reflex zone massage can strengthen the immune system, which can lead to relief, especially in the case of chronic complaints.



The activation of self-healing


In the foot reflex zone massage, the left foot relates to the left and the right foot to the right side of the body. If you now work in the correct order and at the appropriate pressure on the designated areas on the foot, signals are sent to the body and self-healing powers are activated. This can relieve headaches or tension.



Special foot reflex zone massages for women


Regularly applied foot reflex zone massage can increase the well-being of women with cycle-related complaints. Experience shows that one massage per week for two months and then one per month can lead to lasting improvement.



Die verschidenen FRZM
Geschichte FRZM
Wirkung FRZM
Auf was achten FRZM
Förderung Wohlgeführl FRZM
Aktivierung Selbstheilun
FRZM für Frauen

Would you prefer a massage at home?


If you prefer to be massaged at home or in the office, I will also be happy to take the massage table with me and massage you on site. I also offer this service to couples.

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