The Wellness Relax Massage and Bamboo Massage can be conveniently and quickly booked online without the need for a preliminary discussion. Additionally, the Wellness Relax Massage is available for 1 or 2 persons either in my studio or at your location.
If you have a monthly subscription, please select the "Weekly" massage option.
Furthermore, I offer other massage techniques grouped under the term Tailormade Massages. These include Shiatsu Acupressure, Trigger Points/Palpation, Gemstone Massage, Aromatherapy, Venus Shell Massage, Hot & Cold Stones, Bamboo Massage, various essential oil techniques, and much more. However, a mandatory telephone consultation with me is necessary for these options.
1 hr
100 Swiss francs1 hr 30 min
150 Swiss francs1 hr
150 Swiss francs1 hr 30 min
225 Swiss francs1 hr
1 hr
180 Swiss francsBei Euch Vor Ort verwöhnen lassen 2Personen (nur in der Stadt Zürich)
2 hr 15 min
270 Swiss francs1 hr
ab 150.-

How do I book a massage appointment online?
(PS: My phone +41 76 269 41 35 ) ;-)
Select the massage and click on the "Book now" button
Select the desired massage date and free time and click "Next"
Enter name, e-mail for confirmation, state telephone number, for on-site (Your-Place) offers, state the massage address, state a comment if necessary, and then click on "continue"
Choose payment method: pay immediately by credit card or on site (cash or EC)
Click on "Book" and wait for the confirmation email